My name is Eric Reed

I’m a freelance journalist and attorney. My work has appeared in outlets including The Street, The Boston Globe, CNBC, Glassdoor, Consumer Reports, the Detroit Free Press, the Philadelphia Inquirer, CBS News, MSN, and AOL, and I  have reported from environments as diverse as Cambodia, Brazil and San Juan.

Much of my reporting deals with policy and political economics, along with issues in global development. I specialize in storytelling and complex analysis, addressing difficult subjects in clear, engaging prose that focuses on the human side of the issue.

I studied law at the University of Michigan and was previously a litigator with Dechert, LLP, where I specialized in advocacy and motion practice. In addition to media outlets I work with private clients, helping them to hone their message and develop smart, industry-leading voices.

For more information, I can be reached at ericre -at –

Some Clippings

Coronavirus Coverage

General Coverage

My Work

Here are the fields in which I most notably specialize. If you have a request that is not covered below, please reach out and I’ll be happy to discuss further.


Policy Reporting

I have spent more than six years reporting on politics and policy, leveraging my background as a lawyer to deliver original, insightful journalism on subjects ranging from national elections to health care and tax policy.

Global Issues

I have worked in and written from over countries across the world, including economic reporting from Brazil, travel writing on the Greek economic crisis and human rights blogging from Southeast Asia.

Analytical Journalism

My analytical work focuses on politics, policy and economics, focusing on how those forces affect individuals. These pieces inform readers while adding to the conversation with original insights.


Private Clients

White Papers

Value-add content such as white papers and analysis have become increasingly important to corporate communications. I bring the professionalism and analysis of an attorney to make sure yours are worth every penny.

Thought Leadership

Industry leadership is about shaping the marketplace with your ideas. I help yours stand out by combining the insights of your executive team with the written advocacy of a career storyteller.

Corporate Newsrooms

Your corporate newsroom is often the most prominent public face of your company. I can help improve that, with sharp, professional reporting that will help your outlet stand out no matter what the competition.